Article Types
- Three types of manuscripts may be submitted: Regular research articles, Short communications and Reviews
- The manuscript should be based on original research work in any branch of Agricultural and Biological Sciences.
Length of Manuscript
- Regular research papers: not more than 4000 words
- Review articles: up to 6000 words
- Short communications: 1500 words
Formatting and Style of Manuscript
- Language: The manuscript must be in clear English and grammatically correct
- Paper size: A4 (8.27×11.69 inches or 210×297 mm)
- Page margin: 1 inch or 25 mm on all sides
- Font Face: Times New Roman
- Font size:
- Heading: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods etc. should be at the top of the left margin line at the beginning of each section in 12pt font size with bold phase
- Sub Heading: Sub heading can be used after the main heading with 12pt font size with bold italic but not underlined
- Paragraph: Content under each section should be 1.5 space with a font size of 12pt
- File type: MS Word document (.doc or .docx)
- Page Number: Page number should start from the title page and position in the bottom middle part
Chronology of the Manuscript
The article should have the chronological orders of-
1. Cover page (Title, authors affiliation, short running title, corresponding address)
2. Title Page (Title, abstract and keywords)
3. Introduction
4. Materials and Methods |
5. Results and Discussion
6. Acknowledgements (if any)
7. References
8. Tables
9. Figures |
Cover Page:
This page should contain following information-
- Title of manuscript: Title should be clear and concise reflecting the objective and content of the paper. It must be written in capital letters, in bold phase and font size of 12pt in “left alignment” with 1.5 spaced
- Author(s): Full Name of Author/s and affiliation/s with an asterisk* after the name of corresponding author. Maximum four (04) authors can be listed in a manuscript
- Short running title: Short running title not more than 50 characters with spaces in bold face with 12 pt font size and left alignment
- Corresponding author’s information: Full name, designation with address, Phone and Email
Title Page:
- Title of manuscript: Title should be written in capital letters, in bold phase and font size of 12pt in “left alignment” with single spaced
- Abstract: It should be in concise form in one paragraph not exceeding 250 words. The text should be with double spaced, justified alignment with a font size of 12 pt
- Keywords: Keywords are to be confined within 5 words/phrases following the abstract in same page
- Introduction should start following Keywords
- It should reflect the rationale of the research and illustration of the problems with references and reasons
- There may be several subsections/paragraphs for the text
- Objectives of the study should be clearly stated
Materials and Methods:
- This section should have brief description of the materials used and the methods/methodologies followed. Already published or established procedure should be cited and only new procedure should be described in detail.
- There may be several subsections/paragraphs in the text. The experimental site, duration, procedure & design, statistical analysis may be included
Results and Discussion:
- This section should present the key results of the study clearly with sub-headings and in several paragraphs
- Results to be written with facts and figures and should be discussed with proper causes and reasons. These should be interpreted comparing with relevant similar or dissimilar information already available with proper references;
- References in the text: References in the text should follow the author last name and year system e.g.
- for one author: last name, year; Example: Brown, 2018
- for two authors: 1st and 2nd author names, year; Example: John and Alex, 2018
- for more than two authors: 1st author name et al., year; Example: Roy et al., 2018
- for reporting: author name (year); Example: Roy (2018) reported that…/John and Alex (2018)/Roy et al. (2018)
The author(s) can acknowledge (if any) to individual or organizations for their significant contribution to the research work through funds, grants or involvement in knowledge exchange.
References should be given in alphabetical order at the end of the article must in the following styles.
- Journal papers/article: Bhatt RM, Rao NKS and Anand N. 1992. Response of bell pepper to irradiance photosynthesis, reproductive attributes and yield. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 56(1):62-66.
- Book: Dodds JR and Roberts LW. 1982. Experiment in plant tissue culture. Cambridge University Press, London. 650p.
- Collected article: Engler D. 1997. Control of cell cycle. In: Greppin H, Penel C and Simon P (Eds.). Travelling shot on plant development. pp. 95-96. Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland.
- Proceeding paper: Booth EJ, Walker KC and Schung E. 1991. Effect of site, foliar sulphur and nitrogen application on glucosinate content and yield of oil seed (Brassica napus L.). In: Proc. Eighth International Rapeseed Congress, Saskatoon, Canada. pp. 567-572.
- Thesis/Dissertation: Paul TK. 2009. Technology of sweet pepper production in Bangladesh. PhD Thesis. Dept. Hort. BSMRAU, Salna, Gazipur. 225p.
- Internet/on line:
- Author’s Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Date of Publication or Update). Title of work. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL from Homepage; Example: Seville C. (2001, January 25). Finish materials in design/build. Retrieved June 20, 2012, from
- When there is no author for a web page, the title moves to the first position of the reference entry; Example: New child vaccine gets funding boost. 2001. Retrieved March 21, 2001, from
- Tables should be self-descriptive and placed after references in separate sheet
- Tables are to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals
- Each Table should have title in bold phase with 12pt font size
- If any foot note below Table or Figure they should be in font size 10pt
- There should be no vertical lines in Table construction
- Statistical parameters may be separated with horizontal lines
- The figures should be typed in numerical order and should be placed in separate sheet
- Title and labeling of the figure should be indicated in such a way that the figure is understandable without reading the text of the manuscript
- Information given in the legend should not be repeated in the text
Short Communication
Short Communication limited to 4 pages. The items of manuscript preparation are: (1) Abstract (limited to 100 words); (2) Short Methodology, Results and Discussion should be combined in a single section.
Other Instructions
- Abbreviation: Abbreviation may be used but first time it must be given in detail;
- Symbol and Unit: Standard International Units (SI units) should be used, e.g. mg, g, kg, mm, cm, m, km, ppm, cpm, µCi (microCurie), Ɩ (litre), ml, s (second), min (minute), h (hour), mol, m-1, kg ha-1. Please use mg l-1, not mg/Ɩ
Properly arranged article can be submitted directly to the Chief Editor by email: or via the online submission system.