M M H Khan, and A S Chaudhry
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 139-147
This paper includes three studies. In the first study, different types of bacterial population (total viable, cellulolytic, proteolytic, amylolytic and lypolytic) were counted from the rumen fluid (RF) of fistulated sheep. In the second study, total viable bacteria were counted from the (RF) following its individual incubation with five spices (cinnamon, cumin, coriander, turmeric and clove) for 48 h. In the third study, Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria were considered from RF collected from sheep, after its in vitro incubation with rice straw in the presence and absence of spices for 120 h. Total viable counts were highest in the presence of cumin and lowest in the presence of cinnamon. The existence of Gram negative bacteria was increased but Gram positive bacteria was decreased in the presence of cumin, coriander and turmeric. Reduction of Gram positive bacteria representing methanogens in these three spices suggested that these could be used as additives to reduce methane production in ruminants.
Keywords: Spices, degradability, bacterial acount, methane production, Gram positive bacteria
M M H Khan, and A S Chaudhry
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 129-138
This paper reports the in vitro degradability and fermentation of different amounts (0.25, 0.5 and 1 g 100 ml-1 of rumen fluid = RF) of five spices (cinnamon, cumin, coriander, turmeric and clove) alone or with rice straw during different incubation times. The main effects of spices were also considered for gas and methane production. Significant (P<0.001) differences were observed in in vitro dry matter degradability (IVD) and in vitro organic matter degradability (IVOMD) of spices and pH, ammonia and volatile fatty acids (VFA) of RF at 48 and 144 h. The IVD, IVOMD, ammonia and VFA were highest for cumin and lowest for cinnamon. IVD, IVOMD and pH were higher when smaller amount (0.25 g 100 ml-1) of spices were used (P<0.001). All the spices increased IVD, IVOMD, pH, ammonia and VFA at longer incubation time. The pH was lowest in turmeric. While VFA were greater for the larger amount of all spices, ammonia was greater for the larger amounts of only cumin and coriander. The molar proportion of acetic acid was lowest for turmeric. The gas and methane production was higher for the low amounts of spices where total gas volume was highest in turmeric and lowest in cinnamon (P<0.05).
Keywords: Spices, degradability, ammonia, gas production, methane production
S P Ritu, T P Tuong and S U Talukder
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 121-128
Due to lack of fresh water in the dry season, most of the agricultural land in the coastal zone of Bangladesh remain single cropped with a low yield potential. This study aimed to develop a double rice cropping system with an aus-aman crop. Thus experiment was carried out in 2009 with the hypothesis that (i) late transplanting might secure good aus establishment compared to dry seeded aus and (ii) high yield of late planted aman can be maintained using a suitable photoperiod sensitive variety (BRRI dhan46) than photoperiod insensitive (BRRI dhan49) one. Treatments were two aus establishment methods (M1 = dry seeded, M2 = transplanted), two aus seeding dates (D1 = 30 April, D2 = 11 May), and two aman varieties (V1 = sensitive and V2 = insensitive to photoperiod), two seeding dates (D1 = 5 August, D2 = 10 August) established 10 days after aus harvest. Dry seeded aus had similar yield for both late April and early May sowings (4.7 t ha-1), but yield of late sown and transplanted aus had lower yield (3.5 t ha-1) due to submergence between flowering and the start of grain filling, while yield of late sown dry seeded aus was not affected as the crop was more advanced at the time of flooding. For aman rice, BRRI dhan49 had a higher yield (4.5 – 4.8 t ha-1) than BRRI dhan46 (4.2 – 4.4 t ha-1) for both establishment dates. Thus, establishment of a short duration aus rice at the end of April, followed by a medium duration photoperiod insensitive aman variety, it is possible to produce 8 – 9 t ha-1 yr-1 in moderately saline coastal zones.
Keywords: Establishment method, photoperiod sensitivity, cropping intensity
S P Ritu, T P Tuong and S U Talukder
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 113-120
Keywords: ORYZA2000 crop model, coastal area, aus rice, irrigation management
S P Ritu, T P Tuong and S U Talukder
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 101-112
Agricultural land in coastal zone of Bangladesh grows a low yielding single rice crop (aman) during the rainy season, due to lack of fresh water in dry season. To develop a double rice cropping system with an aus crop grown at the onset of the rainy season followed by an aman crop, a field experiment was conducted during 2006 – 2008 at Batiaghata in Khulna, to test the hypothesis that high system productivity can be achieved by: (i) dry seeding a short-duration aus variety and applying supplemental irrigation during establishment, and (iii) transplanting a high-yielding aman variety after harvest of the aus crop. Treatments in aus season included three water regimes, i.e., rainfed (I1); supplemental irrigation (I2), full irrigation (I3) and three sowing dates viz. early-April (D1), mid-April (D2), late-April (D3). In aman season, two high yielding varieties namely BR11 and BRRI dhan53 were evaluated. Yields with full and supplemental irrigation were comparable (4 t ha-1) and were greater than those of fully rainfed aus (2 t ha-1) when there were dry spells after sowing. Supplemental irrigation required much less irrigation water (100 – 200 mm) than full irrigation (660 – 1042 mm) but had similar yield. The average incremental irrigation water productivity varied from 0 to 1.3 kg grain ha-1 mm-1. Delayed planting of aman, decreased the growth duration of BRRI dhan53 and reducing yield compared to yield of earlier transplanting. The duration of BR11 was less affected by sowing date and had similar yield level (> 4 t ha-1) to that of BRRI dhan53 with early April sowing. Under favorable conditions, aus-aman cropping system yield ranged from 8.0 to t ha-1 yr-1.
Keywords: Cropping system, direct seeding, dry seeding
M A Hossain, M A R Sarker, F Ishaque, J Baidya and I J Ripa
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 95-100
Keywords: Road Network, Plan, Traffic
S Sharmin and M A Islam
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 89-93
The key measures of child under-nutrition namely, stunting, wasting and underweight are sometimes inter-related and hence may mislead if univariate approach of analyzing the data is performed. This paper employed multivariate logistic regression model for identifying the most significant determinants of the three standard child under-nutrition measures using Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS, 2011) data. The analysis identified educational attainment of mother, wealth index, size of child at birth, and preceding birth interval as most responsible determinants of nutritional status of under-five children. Furthermore, this research revealed that a child may suffer from one or more form of under-nutrition and hence recommended different policy options. Overall, the findings of this report are expected to feed the policy decisions regarding child nutrition in an integrated and holistic manner.
Keywords: Malnutrition, BDHS, under-five children, multivariate regression
S B Sanawar, M A Islam, S Majumder and F Misu
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 81-87
Women empowerment is one of the most important factors to bring the women in to the development process with their full potentiality. In Bangladesh almost half of the population are women. There are many initiatives to empower women in Bangladeshi society and there is a gradual change evident in recent research. This study attempts to identify the recent status of women empowerment and its determinants using Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (2007) in order to provide better policy options regarding the issue. The data analysis suggest that despite the fact that almost all of the women under study are somewhat empowered but still 65.28% women are less empowered. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the rural women have higher chance to be empowered than the urban women and similar likelihood is relevant to the poorest women than the poorer women. The wives of the farmers have higher possibility of being empowered than the wives of husbands with other occupations. Astonishingly, the wives of uneducated partners have higher likelihood to be empowered than the wives of higher educated partners. The women having spousal age difference less than 6 years have higher likelihood of being empowered than their counterparts. The women having marital duration less than 5 years are more likely to be empowered than the women having marital duration of 5 years and more. The unemployed women are more empowered than the employed women which required further investigation. The research suggested some recommendations for further improvement of the women empowerment in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Women empowerment, logistic regression, Bangladesh demographic and health survey
A A Jahan and M A Khatun
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 75-79
The study was conducted to assess the contribution of rural women in generating household income through summer vegetables production. Primary data were collected from 45 randomly selected summer vegetable growers of Char Ishawardi village under Sadar upazila of Mymensingh district in Bangladesh. The study showed that the male and female counterparts of low, medium and high income households rendered their involvement in different activities for 328 and 220 man-days, 421 and 322 man-days, 500 and 360 man-days per year, respectively. Average annual income of low, medium and high income households stood at Tk 47455, 88434 and 125000, respectively. Women of these three categories contributed Tk 20875, 28600 and 38000 which were 43.99, 32.34 and 30.40 percent of total household income, respectively. The average annual income earned by low, medium and high income households from summer vegetables were Tk 12440, 21568 and 33980 which were 26.21, 24.39 and 27.18 percent, respectively. In summer vegetables production the participation of women were 16.19, 12.44 and 12.53 percent for low, medium and high income households, while participation of men were 10.03, 11.95 and 14.66 percent, respectively. In summer vegetables production the participation of women in low income households was higher than other income household groups.
Keywords: Summer vegetable, rural women, participation, household income
M A Islam, F Misu and S M Sayem
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 67-73
Higher spousal age difference may sometimes instigate dominancy by husbands in different reproductive health decisions, especially when the wives are much younger, leading to unfavorable health outcomes. This study aims to investigate the likely effects of higher spousal age difference on fertility behavior among married adolescent girls in Bangladesh using Demographic and Health Survey 2007. It is hypothesized that adolescents with comparatively older husbands tend to get more children and have children earlier than their counterparts. Alongside bi-variate analysis this research employs binary logistic regression and Poisson regression models to identify the determinants of different fertility behaviors. About 43 % of the adolescents were married before the legal age (18 years) at marriage for girls in Bangladesh. About 22.3 % of the adolescents had spousal age difference 5 years or less. Almost half (47 %) of the married adolescents have their first child within one year of marriage. Poisson regression model suggested that the relative risk of having children among adolescent with spousal age difference 5 years or less was 0.554 compared to the adolescents with spousal age difference more than 15 years. The relative risk increased to 0.730 for spousal age difference between 6 – 10 years. Binary logistic regression model suggested that adolescents having spousal age difference 16 years and above were 3.227 times significantly more likely to have their first child within one year of their marriage compared to adolescents having spousal age difference 5 years or less. This study confirms that higher spousal age difference influences both timing and number of birth among married adolescents, hence recommends for special interventions.
Keywords: Adolescents, fertility, logistic regression, poisson regression, spousal age difference
M D Hossain, M M Hossain, M Z Ullah and M M Haque
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 59-65
The present experiment was carried out at the flower market Agargaon, Shahbag and other retail shops at Dhaka, and different flower growing areas of Bangladesh during June 2015 to May 2016 to investigate the present scenario of flower business in Bangladesh. Data were collected from different wholesalers, retailers and farmers. The results indicated that the various kinds of flower are produced in different parts of the country. There are a lot of flower markets and shops available in Dhaka city. The price of different flowers was varied in different days of the week, different month of the year and different special days of the year. The cost of production was varied in different kinds of flower. Though there were a lot of flowers are produced, there were some problems prevail in flower production in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Flower, wholesalers, retailers, market, shop, problems
P Hajong, S Mondal, B Sikder, S K Paul and D Saha
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 53-58
The study was conducted for the assessment of existing value chain assessment of date palm in Jessore district. Data were collected randomly from 30 selected date palm farmers and 60 traders from Jessore, Magura and Jhenaidah districts. Analysis was done on per quintal (100 liter) raw juice basis. Farmer, processor, bepari and retailer were involved in processing and marketing of date palm juice. Total processing cost of date palm molasses was Tk. 418.84 and for Patali sugar was Tk. 422.31 for 100 liter-1 juice. Marketing cost of farmer cum processor, Bepari and Retailer were Tk. 29.00 quintal-1, Tk. 26.25 quintal-1 and Tk. 21.34 quintal-1. respectively. From 100 liter of juice, it can get 16.67 kg of gur and for patali it was 15 kg. A farmer sells raw juice, molasses sugar, patali sugar and by-product were Tk. 20 liter-1, Tk. 140 kg-1, Tk. 160 kg-1 and Tk. 30, respectively. Net margin or profit of the processor, bepari and retailer was Tk. 1552.16 quintal-1, Tk. 138.75 quintal-1 and Tk. 148.66 quintal-1 of juice respectively. There were six value chain exist in date palm marketing. Processor, bepari and retailer added the value Tk. 1552.16, Tk. 138.75 and Tk. 148.66, respectively to the value chain. Price gap between the consumers and producer was Tk. 335 for 100 liter-1 juice. As producers and consumers’ price had less gap the producers’ share was 85.65 percent.
Keywords: Date palm, value chain, marketing, processing
M J Islam, M N Hasan, M Kunda, M A Sultana and D Pandit
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 45-51
The study was conducted to evaluate the comparison of production performance and economics of different carp polyculture systems in Gangni Upazila under Meherpur district from July to November 2015. PRA tools such as questionnaire based interview, cross check interview etc. were used for primary data collection and secondary information were used to assess the performances in aquaculture activities. Forty pond fish farmers were randomly selected, among them 7 (18.0 %), 17 (42.0 %), 3 (8.0 %), 7 (18.0 %) and 6 (15.0 %) farmers were engaged with carp-mola, carp-tilapia, carp-koi, carp-shing polyculture and carp fattening, respectively. Only 23 % farmers had small ponds (5dec -15 dec), 35 % medium (16 dec-25 dec) and 40 % had large ponds (above 25 dec). The minimum water depths of 23 % ponds were within 0. 5m -1.0 m, 53 % were 1.00m-1.5 m, 17 % were 1.6m -2.0 m and 7 % were up to 2.0 m. From the survey, it was found that 14 (35.0 %) of the farmers applied supplementary/homemade feed prepared with rice bran and mustard oil cake, 17 (43.0 %) farmers used commercial feed and 9(22.0 %) farmers were depended on natural feed. Average fish production of the farmers was 6274 kg ha-1 yr-1. The calculated highest fish production 7,904 kg ha-1 yr-1 and net income was BDT 2,42,060 ha-1 yr-1, respectively in carp-tilapia polyculture system. The lowest fish production was 5,187 kg ha-1 yr-1 and net income was BDT 1,66,478 came in carp-koi polyculture system. From the result of present study, it is clear that fish production and financial benefit in carp-tilapia polyculture were higher than others. The present findings reveal that carp-tilapia polyculture system is more suitable and profitable culture system than other polyculture systems existing in Gangni upazila of Meherpur district.
Keywords: Fish farmer, aquaculture, polyculture system, carp, pond
A A Shimu, M S Islam, A C Das and A Biswas
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 41-44
The study was conducted during September 2013 to March 2014 at the experimental field of Sylhet Agricultural University with a view to characterize and evaluate the growth and yield of three exotic sweetpotato genotypes viz. SP004, SP006 and SP007 planted at three dates viz., 1 September, 1 October and 1 November 2013 following randomized complete block design (Factorial) with three replications. Growth and yield of sweetpotato were largely influenced by genotypes. The highest number of storage roots plant-1 was recorded from the genotype SP006 (4.93) which were identical to SP004 (4.44). The corresponding highest storage root yield plant-1 (381.44 g) and hectare-1 (21.01 t) was also measured from the genotype SP006 while it was the lowest for SP007 (18.03 t ha-1). Date of planting did not influence the growth and yield of sweetpotato significantly. Average storage root yield hectare-1 for 1 November planting was 20.5 t ha-1 followed by 1 October (20.13 t) and 1 September (18.36 t ha-1) planting. However, among the genotypes, SP007 yielded the highest (22.5 t ha-1) planted at 1 November followed by 1 October planting (21.9 t ha-1). Similar yield was also exhibited by the genotype SP006 which produced 21.9 t and 21.6 t of storage root hectare-1 from 1 October and 1 November planting, respectively.
Keywords: Genotypes, planting dates, sweetpotato, yield
M A Rahaman, M Jahan, K S Islam and S N Alam
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 37-40
A study on effectiveness of spraying time for judicial use of insecticides in controlling of fruit fly was conducted in farmers’ filed during March to May, 2011 in Bogra district. The insecticide Nitro-505EC was selected as test insecticide and bitter gourd was as test crop for this experiment. The insecticide was sprayed three times as treatments viz. spraying early in the morning (7:00am to 8:00am), spraying at noon (12:00 noon to 1:00pm) and spraying before evening (4:00pm to 5:00pm) and was compared with the untreated control. The lowest infestation (26.80 %) by cucurbit fruit fly was found after spraying of insecticide in the afternoon (4:00pm to 5:00pm) and the maximum fruit infestation was found in the untreated control treatment (60.24%). Significant differences were found in percent of infested fruits immediate after three days, but after seven days there was no significant differences among the treatments.
Keywords: Bactrocera cucurbitae, insecticide spraying time, fruit fly, infestation, bitter gourd
S Mondal, S K Paul, D Saha, P Hajong and G C Biswas
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 31-36
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of tillage methods and Integrated Plant Nutrition System (IPNS) based fertilizer management during 2014-15 at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Jessore on the productivity of potato. Three tillage methods viz., (i) Bed planting (T1), (ii) PTOS (Power Tiller Operated Seeder (T2) and (iii) Conventional tillage (T3) in combination with five types of nutrient management packages viz., (a) STB fertilizer dose from chemical fertilizer (F1), (b) 120 % of chemical fertilizer over STB fertilizer doze (F2), (c) 80 % from chemical (Soil Test Based fertilizer doze STB) + 20 % from vermi-compost (STB) fertilizer doze (F3), (d) 80 % from chemical (STB) + 20 % from conventional compost (STB) Fertilizer doze (F4), farmers practice (F5) were as the treatments. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with three dispersed replications. It was found that bed planting was given the highest yield (24.11 t ha-1) followed by PTOS (23.95 t ha-1) and conventional tillage (23.60 t ha-1). In case of fertilizer application it was found that 120 % of chemical fertilizer over STB fertilizer doze gave the highest yield (25.18 tha-1) followed by 80 % from chemical (STB) + 20 % from vermi-compost (STB) (24.11 t ha-1) farmer practice (23.53 t ha-1), STB fertilizer dose from chemical fertilizer (23.48 t ha-1) and 80 % from chemical (STB) + 20 % from convention compost (STB)(23.11 t ha-1). In case of interaction effect of tillage and fertilizers management, it was found that there were no significant effect among them however T2(PTOS) + F2 (120 % of chemical fertilizers over STB fertilizer doze) gave the highest yield (26.33 t ha-1).
Keywords: Conservation tillage, IPNS, vermicompost, potato production
A Huda, M R Islam and K Sumi
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 25-29
An experiment was carried out during T. aman season of 2014 at Soil Science Field Laboratory of the Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh to study the effect of different levels of potassium supplied from two different sources on the growth and yield of rice variety BRRI dhan49. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications having 5 m × 4 m unit plot size. There were seven treatment combinations viz. Control i.e K 0 kg ha-1 (T1), K 40 kg ha-1 as MoP (T2), K 50 kg ha-1 as MoP (T3), K 60 kg ha-1 as MoP (T4), K 40 kg ha-1 as K2SO4 (T5), K 50 kg ha-1 as K2SO4 (T6) and K 60 kg ha-1 as K2SO4 (T7) in the experiment. Basal dose of fertilizers @ 100 kg N, 15 kg P, 12 kg S and 2 kg Zn ha-1 were applied from urea, TSP, gypsum, zinc oxide, respectively for all treatments. The full doses of MoP were applied as per treatments. The results revealed that growth and yield contributing characters like plant height, number of tillers hill-1, panicle length, grains panicle-1 and 1000-grain weight responded significantly to different levels of applied K. The grain and straw yields of BRRI dhan49 were also significantly influenced due to different treatments. The highest grain yield of 4.9 t ha-1 and straw yield of 5.0 t ha-1 were obtained in T4 which was statistically similar to T3. The lowest grain yield of 3.5 t ha-1 and straw yield of 3.9 t ha-1 were found in T1. The K content and uptake by grain and straw were also higher in the treatment T4. The potassium supplied from MoP performed better than that supplied from K2SO4. Hence, the application of K @ 50 kg ha-1 as MoP may be recommended for successful cultivation of BRRI dhan49.
Keywords: Potassium, growth, yield, BRRI dhan49
A H M M Haque, R Hasan, M M Islam, E Nousraat and S R Modak
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 19-23
An experiment was conducted at Pulses Research Sub-Station (PRSS), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydevpur, Gazipur and Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Jessore, Bangladesh during kharif-1, 2014 under rain fed condition to find out the tolerant genotypes against Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) where viz. Gk – 22, SMZ – 134, VC – 3669, VC – 3960 A – 88, VC – 3960 A – 89, VC 6144, VC – 6144 (47 – 28 – 2), VC – 6148 (50 – 12), VC – 6153 – B – 20, VC – 6153 – 20P, VC – 6173, VC – 6173 B – 33, VC – 6372 – (45 – 8), VC – 6773 – B – 6, VC – 6897 and BARI Mung – 4 Mungbean genotypes were screened. It was found that the genotype VC – 6153 – B – 20 may be a wonderful source of MYMV tolerance. In the same time another experiment was carried out at Golapgonj, Sylhet and PRSS, Joydevpur for development of management package against the vector of this virus. For these reason five different treatments namely Furadan 3G, Furadan + Admire, Furadan + Neem leaf extract (NLE), Furadan + Sobicron and control were used, where Furadan treated as a basal dose. It was observed that Furadan + Admire treated plots have the lowest incidence (score – 2) of MYMV at both locations and produced the highest yields as compared to the other treatments. It is recommended that Admire can be used as a package for controlling MYMV.
Keywords: Mungbean, MYMV, genotypes, fungicides, screening
S Bilkis, M F Ahmed, M M Hossain, M M H Chowdhury and M D Hossain
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 9-17
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) is an important and famous vegetable of Bangladesh grown commonly in the kharif season. An experiment was conducted at the Seed Pathology Center (SPC), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh during the period from 12 May to 10 July 2015 to evaluate the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on quality of okra seed for 60 days in three types of packing materials (Tin pot, Poly bag and Gunny bag). Okra seeds were stored in tin pot, poly bag and gunny bag with initial moisture of 14.0 %, 14.6% and 15.3 %, respectively in ambient condition for 60 days of storage. Moisture content of the seeds of tin pot was found increased significantly to 14.0 % from initial moisture content 14.8 %. Seed moisture content of poly bag and gunny bag, also increased from initial moisture content 14.6 to 15.6 % and 15.3 to 17.3 %. This increase of seed moisture content was closely related to room temperature and relative humidity. The rate of seed deterioration in gunny bag and poly bag paralleled the level of invasion by storage fungi and insect. Rhizopus spp. was found 7.9 and 6.1 % in the seeds of Gunny bag and poly bag and it was 5.4 % in tin pot followed by prevalent of Penicillium spp. During storage period the okra seeds were infected by mite. Infestation was found higher in the seeds of gunny bag and poly bag (40 % and 21 %) and lower in the seeds of tin pot (12 %). The present results revealed that the storage of okra seed in tin pot is better than jute and poly bag.
Keywords: Okra seed, biotic, abiotic, storage, polybag, gunny bag, tin pot, moisture
M A Rahman and G N Adhikary
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 1-8
A pathological study was conducted on poultry diseases occurring at Sylhet district of Bangladesh during the period from March 2015 to February 2016 to know the disease pattern of poultry. A total of 1351 birds either sick or dead were studied in Field Disease Investigation Laboratory (FDIL), Sylhet and a total of 143 birds either sick or dead were examined at Upazilla veterinary hospital, Jaintapur. The diagnosis of different diseases were performed on the basis of history of the affected flock, visual examinations, post mortem examinations, pathological findings, isolation and identification of the causal agents, serology and age of affected birds. Cases found in FDIL were Newcastle disease (9.85 %), Infectious bursal disease (16.43 %), colibacillosis (14.51 %), omphalitis (10.14 %), salmonellosis (7.32 %), fowl cholera (3.11 %), aspergillosis (7.33 %), duck plague (9.16 %) and duck cholera (7.03 %). Disease prevalence was recorded as 38.04 % among the age group of >2 – 8 weeks followed by 28.24 % among 0 – 2 weeks of age, 6.66% among >8 – 20 weeks of age and 3.39 % among >20 weeks of age. It was found that prevalence of poultry diseases were significantly highest in summer season (47.36 %) followed by rainy season (25.4 %) and winter (24.02 %). Cases found in Upazilla veterinary hospital, Jaintapur were newcastle diseases (19.58%), coccidiosis (16.79 %), duck plague (15.39 %), infectious bursal diseases (14.68 %), Non- specific pneumonia (10.49 %), non-specific enteritis (7.69 %), duck cholera (5.59 %), helminthiasis (4.19 %), nutritional deficiency (3.50 %) and aspergillosis (2.10 %). Age-wise disease prevalence was recorded as 6.26 % for 0 – 2 weeks, 66.38 % for >2 – 8 weeks, 20.22 % for >8 – 20 weeks and 6.96 % for >20 weeks. Prevalence of poultry diseases were significantly higher in summer (40.5 %) followed by rainy season (32.11 %) and winter (27.2 %). The study may help to know the prevalence of poultry diseases for the improvement of poultry production in Sylhet region.
Keywords: Poultry diseases, prevalence, season
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