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Manuscript Submission Procedure

Manuscript preparation and submission procedure

  • Read the Author’s Guide properly
  • In manuscript, first page will be  Cover page with Manuscript title, author name(s), address(es)/affiliations, Short running title, corresponding author’s name, address, email and phone no
  • After title page manuscript will be followed by Title page: Manuscript title, Abstract, Keywords,
  • The the manuscript should contain the following sections chronologically: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements (if any) and References
  • Tables and Figures are also to be given in separate sheets

Review copy

  • Reviewed copy of the articles will be sent to the authors(s). Author(s) should take care during correction of the manuscript on the basis of the comments of the reviewers/and or over viewer and return to the Executive Editor within seven days of receipt

Galley Proof 

Finally the galley proof copy will be sent to the author and it should be checked thoroughly and to be returned in stipulated time with the author’s deceleration . That time no modification can be done except comments of reviewer/or over viewers. Click here to  Download the authors deceleration


After final print of the journal the author will be supplied 10 copies of reprints free of cost and those who wish to have the single issue has to pay BDT. 200/- per issue

Click Here to Submit your manuscript via our online submission system or send your manuscript directly to editor.jsau@sau.ac.bd .


Submit your manuscript fast and easiest way via our online submission system

Journal SAU

Journal SAU