M Nuruzzaman1, MA Islam1*,F Yeasmin2 and B Deb1
Journal of the Sylhet Agricultural University, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 197-204


The focus of the study was to assess farmers’ perception regarding different characteristics of a T. Aman rice variety BRRI dhan87 and to explore the relationships between the farmers selected characteristics and the perception. The study was conducted in three unions of Dowara bazar upazila under Sunamganj district. Data were collected from the farmers utilizing a pre-tested interview schedule from 01 October to 20 November 2020. Perception was estimated based on the responses of the farmers to 31 statements constructed on different characteristics of BRRI dhan87 in a four point scale of measurement. Findings revealed that the majority of farmers (42%) had moderate perception followed by 36% low and 22% high perception about the characteristics of BRRI dhan87. Out of 31 characteristics, the top five perceived were: shorter life span (PI=144), slender and fine grain (PI=143), higher market price (PI=141), rain-fed cultivation (PI=125), and lodging resistant (PI=124). However, among the five broader characteristics of BRRIdhan87, the mean perception index (PI) of complexity had the highest (106.6 scores). The score was elicited by the non-availability of quality seeds at the farmers door steps, input sensitive yield, and supplemental irrigation causes yield variation. The results also revealed that respondents’ level of education, area of BRRI dhan87, communication media exposure, organizational participation, knowledge of BRRI dhan87, and experience were highly associated with their perception.


BRRI dhan87, farmers’ perception, observability, trialability, compatibility, relative advantage, small holder farmer

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M Nuruzzaman1, MA Islam1*,F Yeasmin2 and B Deb1. 2022. RICE FARMERS’ PERCEPTION ON FEATURES OF BRRI dhan87, Journal of the Sylhet Agricultural University 9(2): 197-204.