MR Alam1, MA Jalil2*, BK Sarker3, T Mussa4
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2022, Volume 9, Number 2; Pages: 137-141
Peste des petits ruminant (PPR) is goat’s most fatal infectious disease. The study aimed to describe the prevalence of PPR in goats in the Chuadanga district of Bangladesh. This study was conducted in this area using clinical history and clinical examination of the animals. A total of 250 goats were randomly selected for this study, irrespective of age, sex, breed, and immune status. There were common findings such as high fever, nasolacrimal discharge, mucosal ulceration and erosion in the oral cavity, rapid breathing, and diarrhea during the clinical examination of the PPR-affected goats. The overall prevalence of PPR was 44%. The higher prevalence was observed significantly (P=0.006) in 7-12 months age group (52.85%) compared to 0-6 months age group (40.48%) and >12 months age group (25.58%). Male (35.96%) goats were less prone to PPR than females (50.74%), and Black Bengal goats had a higher affinity (45.60%) than Jamnapari (39.71%). Non-vaccinated goats were highly prevalent (47.89%) to PPR than vaccinated (31.67%). The highest prevalence was found in March (48.72%) and most of the cases (41.81%) were treated with Oxytetracycline, antihistamine, and fluid therapy. These findings may exert awareness of farmers regarding PPR for goat rearing.
Keywords: PPR, Goat, Prevalence, Animal, Chuadanga
MF Rafiq, MR Islam, KA Chowdhury and MM Hossain*
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2019, Volume 6, Number 1 and 2; Pages: 11-17
A study on Canine Parvovirus (CPV) infection in dogs at Dhaka city of Bangladesh was conducted to determine its prevalence and therapeutic responses. A total of 50 (fifty) dogs of different breeds were clinically examined. A total 50 (fifty) fecal samples were collected from sick dogs and screened for the detection of Canine Parvovirus antigen using rapid CPV Ag detection kit. Screening of 50 (fifty) fecal samples revealed 16 CPV positive samples with a prevalence of 32%. The main clinical signs observed among the CPV infected dogs were bloody diarrhea (75%), vomition (97.4%) and severe dehydration (81.2%). The highest prevalence was found among 1-3 months (50%) old dogs followed by 4-6 months (40%), 7-9 months (23.1%) old dogs and over 9 months (10%). Higher prevalence was found among non-vaccinated (55.55%) than vaccinated (4.34%) dogs. Male dogs (38.7%) were more susceptible than females (21.1%). Higher prevalence was observed in Dhaka North City Corporation (37.5%) area than Dhaka South City Corporation (26.9%) area. Variation in prevalence of CPV was also observed in different breeds estimating as indigenous (40%), German shepherd (33.3%), Spitz (33.3%), Lhasa (28.5%), Doberman (25%), Labrador (25%) and Rottweiler (20%). Affected dogs were treated with Ceftriaxone (25-50 mg/kg body weight I/M SID for 7 days), I/V saline, Ondansetron (0.2mg/kg body weight orally q8h for 7 days). Among 16 positive cases 14 dogs (87.5%) were recovered after full course of treatment and 2 dogs (12.5%) died. Further studies should be conducted with large sample size and coverage to investigate the CPV detection rate in vaccinated and non-vaccinated dogs.
Keywords: Canine parvovirus (CPV), detection, therapy, prevalence, Bangladesh
M A Rahman and G N Adhikary
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2016, Volume 3, Number 1; Pages: 1-8
A pathological study was conducted on poultry diseases occurring at Sylhet district of Bangladesh during the period from March 2015 to February 2016 to know the disease pattern of poultry. A total of 1351 birds either sick or dead were studied in Field Disease Investigation Laboratory (FDIL), Sylhet and a total of 143 birds either sick or dead were examined at Upazilla veterinary hospital, Jaintapur. The diagnosis of different diseases were performed on the basis of history of the affected flock, visual examinations, post mortem examinations, pathological findings, isolation and identification of the causal agents, serology and age of affected birds. Cases found in FDIL were Newcastle disease (9.85 %), Infectious bursal disease (16.43 %), colibacillosis (14.51 %), omphalitis (10.14 %), salmonellosis (7.32 %), fowl cholera (3.11 %), aspergillosis (7.33 %), duck plague (9.16 %) and duck cholera (7.03 %). Disease prevalence was recorded as 38.04 % among the age group of >2 – 8 weeks followed by 28.24 % among 0 – 2 weeks of age, 6.66% among >8 – 20 weeks of age and 3.39 % among >20 weeks of age. It was found that prevalence of poultry diseases were significantly highest in summer season (47.36 %) followed by rainy season (25.4 %) and winter (24.02 %). Cases found in Upazilla veterinary hospital, Jaintapur were newcastle diseases (19.58%), coccidiosis (16.79 %), duck plague (15.39 %), infectious bursal diseases (14.68 %), Non- specific pneumonia (10.49 %), non-specific enteritis (7.69 %), duck cholera (5.59 %), helminthiasis (4.19 %), nutritional deficiency (3.50 %) and aspergillosis (2.10 %). Age-wise disease prevalence was recorded as 6.26 % for 0 – 2 weeks, 66.38 % for >2 – 8 weeks, 20.22 % for >8 – 20 weeks and 6.96 % for >20 weeks. Prevalence of poultry diseases were significantly higher in summer (40.5 %) followed by rainy season (32.11 %) and winter (27.2 %). The study may help to know the prevalence of poultry diseases for the improvement of poultry production in Sylhet region.
Keywords: Poultry diseases, prevalence, season
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