M M Islam, A Hossain, M S Ali, D Saha and M Ashrafuzzaman
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2015, Volume 2, Number 1; Pages: 43-47
Integrated Disease Management of six different treatment combinations (T0 = Control, T1 = Application of Neem oil extract solution (1: 10 dilution) started from 10 days after sowing (DAS) at 10 days interval, T2 = Application of Dithane M-45 @ 0.2% started from 10 DAS and at 10 days interval, T3 = Application of Sumithion @ 0 .3% started from 10 DAS at 10 days interval, T4 = Integration of Dithane M-45 + Sumithion , T5 = Integration of Dithane M-45 + Sumithion + Neem oil extract) were performed with groundnut varieties (V1: Dhaka-1, V2: Binachinabadam-2 and V3: Binachinabadam-3) to measure the effectiveness of the disease control treatments as well as to get the maximum economic return. Among the treatments, T5 gave the best result along with all three varieties. Treatment T5 gave highest yield of 3061.31 kg ha-1 in Binachinabadam-3. The second best performance was recorded at T4 treatment which received Dithane M-45 + Sumithion and yielded 3001.50 kg ha-1 in Binachinabadam-3. Other yield contributing parameters were also found significantly higher in Binachinabadam-3. Benefit cost ratio (BCR) was highest 2.00 at the combinations of T5V3 and T5V2 followed by T3V3 and T3V2.
Keywords: Integrated Disease Management, groundnut, variety, benefit cost ratio
J Ferdousi, M Zakaria, M I Hossain and M Saha
Journal of Sylhet Agricultural University, 2014, Volume 1, Number 1; Pages: 29-33
The study on the shelf life and economic analysis of broccoli under different fertilizer treatments combinations were carried out both in the field and laboratory of Horticulture Department, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, during 10 October 2007 to 28 February 2008. There were 13 treatments viz. control (no application of fertilizer) (T1), N45P30K50MO0.3(T2), N90P30K50MO0.3(T3), N135P30K50MO0.3(T4), N90P0K50MO0.3(T5), N90P60K50MO0.3(T6), N90P90K50MO0.3(T7), N90P30K0MO0.3(T8), N90P30K25MO0.3(T9), N90P30K75MO0.3(T10), N90P30K50MO0.0(T11), N90P30K50MO0.1(T12), and N90P30K50MO0.5(T13). Cowdung was applied @10 t ha-1 as basal dose in each case. The maximum shelf life (15.05 days) was observed with no application of inorganic fertilizer and kept at 40C in polythene bag wrapping the broccoli curd. The maximum gross return per hectare (Tk. 3, 66, 740 ha-1) and net benefit (Tk. 2, 56, 182 ha-1) were found in T4 (N135P30K50MO0.3) followed by T7 (N90P90K50MO0.3) (Tk. 3,36,380 and 2, 17, 457, respectively) and the minimum values (Tk. 1, 22, 100 and 21,546, respectively) being noted in T1 (control). The highest cost benefit ratio (3.32) was found in T4 (N135P30K50MO 0.3). Considering the yield of broccoli and the benefit cost ratio, nutrient application of N, P, K, and Mo @ 135, 30, 50, and 0.3 kg ha-1, respectively are the optimum doses for growing broccoli in shallow Red-Brown Terrace Soil of Salna series, Gazipur.
Keywords: Shelf life, broccoli, benefit cost ratio, inorganic fertilizers, net benefit
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